Everything you need to know about Pole Emploi

What is the Pole Emploi? The Pole Emploi is a public organisation which registers unemployed people in France and helps them back into employment. It is through this body that job seekers and people setting up new businesses can get access to financial assistance. Note: you are only entitled to financial assistance (allocations chomage) through […]

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Registering With The French Healthcare System

If you live in France full time, registering with the French health system is a must. It will allow you access to healthcare (as and when you need it), without paying for it in full. The system can be quite complex. Here’s an overview: How does the French healthcare system work? Healthcare in France is […]

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Accessing (Free) Training Courses In France

French paperwork can be a minefield, but amongst all the administration, there are some hidden gems. Did you know that you could be eligible for free training courses in France thanks to the social charges your employer has been required to pay on your behalf? www.mon-compte-formation.gouv.fr is a government website that keeps a track of […]

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